‘Those Northern Lights, So Pretty’ catalogue
The catalogue for the project Those Northern Lights, So Pretty is now available to buy for £3. It includes specially commissioned texts and photos’ of the project and...
The catalogue for the project Those Northern Lights, So Pretty is now available to buy for £3. It includes specially commissioned texts and photos’ of the project and...
On Sunday 15th July during Love Parks week, Dominic spoke to members of the public in the park about their memories of the park. Here are a few...
Over the last few weeks, since Dominic Smith has started his residency, he has been spending time in Saltwell Park, meeting people who volunteer, work and play in...
Dingy Butterflies is supporting Northumbria University Masters of Architecture student Tom Hewitt in his participatory research project. Tom is interested in talking to Bensham residents to uncover the...